Struggling to find your inner content creating mojo? Sometimes it’s easy to fall in to the trap of feeling you just need to post something to keep up, here are 5 ways to create content easily…
⚡️Repurpose content
This is a lifesaver, and really helps when you’re feeling overwhelmed with what to create. Check insights and turn a reel in to a carousel or vice versa. Maybe you have a blog you can create in to a helpful carousel with top tips.👌
⚡️Create content pillars
The term ‘content pillars’ sounds very formal, but really it is 3-5 topics you rotate through regularly to prompt what content to create next.
⚡️Get snapping and filming
It’s a lovely time of the year right now with spring flowers & lush green fields… perfect photo material. You don’t need to be a pro photographer, experiment with the filters, get close up and zoom in
⚡️Research and ask
Find out what your customer really wants to know or how you can help just by asking. May sound scary, but they will probably appreciate the ask. A great way to do this is create a poll on your stories… research similar businesses and their Social to give you some ideas.
⚡️Add value
Finally, this one is important - always be sure to add value for your audience. The more help and value you give - the more people will come back to you and start to trust and connect. Think: Help, Inform, Educate and Entertain 👌